Date: | Monday 07/10/2006 7:51:56pm |
Name: | Marcello |
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Referred By: | Friend |
Location: | Italy |
Comments: | Ciao Elena. Ho saputo da Massimiliano del tuo successo in campo musicale, per il quale ti faccio i miei complimenti (fra le nostre vecchie conoscenze c'è chi ne ha avuto in campo ittico). La passione comune per la musica rock, mi farà apprezzare sicuramente le tue canzoni, non appena sarà disponibile un concerto a Milano e dintorni. Ciao Marcello eh no, |
Date: | Wednesday 06/14/2006 11:59:36am |
Name: | Ambra |
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Referred By: | Search Engine |
Location: | Italia |
Comments: | Grazie del bellissimo concerto al WGT..Purtroppo mi ero persa il concerto a Prato... Con il bis sono scoppiata in lacrime.Veramente il più bel concerto che ho visto quest'anno(e dovevo arrivare fino in Germania per capirlo?!eheh)Grazie ancora. |
Date: | Wednesday 06/07/2006 6:51:56pm |
Name: | Kalki |
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Homepage Title: | |
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Referred By: | Just Surfed In |
Location: | Oppenheim |
Comments: | Thank you for the great gig at WGT! |
Date: | Wednesday 06/07/2006 4:17:32pm |
Name: | Isak Johnsson |
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Homepage Title: | |
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Referred By: | Just Surfed In |
Location: | Malmoe, Sweden |
Comments: | Your appearance was the best of all this WGT! The video imagery couldn't be more to the point. Is it, or will it be, available? I want more of your world of thought. |
Date: | Wednesday 05/31/2006 1:44:47pm |
Name: | Dani |
E-mail: | |
Homepage Title: | Black Cat Net |
Homepage URL: | |
Referred By: | Search Engine |
Location: | Germany |
Comments: | Hello, you´ll find lots of pics and a long article from your show at Dark Dance Treffen at Several more pics at Ciao Dani |
Date: | Sunday 05/14/2006 10:09:11pm |
Name: | Marcelo |
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Homepage Title: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Referred By: | Just Surfed In |
Location: | Brasil |
Comments: | i want you to know your Eclipse kolapses the brazilian alternative dancefloors until today... Thank u for that |
Date: | Thursday 05/11/2006 5:59:34pm |
Name: | nekrofilos |
E-mail: | |
Homepage Title: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Referred By: | Just Surfed In |
Location: | thessaloniki,greece |
Comments: | what a strange long journey this has been i love kirlian kamera amd all women in it, especially elena and her sexy slim figure and awesome thigh high boots,hope to see you here some day aufiederzein ta leme in brevi finietur |